QA Services

QA Services

  • Test Automation: AOWS's test automation strategy enables organizations to increase release velocity, reduce time to market and reduce overall testing effort resulting in a significant return on investment. AOWS has developed a plug-and-play test automation framework with pre-built interfaces to CI servers, application lifecycle management tools and defect management tools that fully support the majority of test automation tools adopted by organizations.

  • Functional Testing: AOWS introduces early testing in the life cycle to prevent defects and detect defects early to reduce the overall testing costs, rework costs and improve quality. Some specific services that AOWS offers for functional testing are:
    • Requirements Ambiguity Testing
    • Business Process Testing
    • Manual & Automated Testing
    • Regression Testing
    • Smoke & System Integration Testing
    • Business Acceptance Testing
    • Data Verification Testing

  • Performance Testing: AOWS's performance testing covers performance engineering, including capacity planning, baseline test, load, stress, endurance and benchmarking against competitors, production monitoring and consulting. Our key performance testing differentiators include:
    • Comprehensive analysis and recommendations for performance improvements
    • Optimized cost model including pay as you go options
    • Certified SME's with strong expertise on COTS/Open source tools and application technologies
    • Partnerships and alliances that enable recommendations of right tools, solutions, and R&D initiatives

  • Mobile Testing: offers mobile testing services for both functional and non-functional testing of mobile applications. AOWS's mobile test offerings include:
    • Mobile Test Advisory Services
    • Mobile Test Tool Feasibility
    • Mobile Test Automation Framework Development
    • Functional Testing (Manual & Automated)
    • Performance Testing
    • Security Testing

  • Game Testing: AOWS's Game Testing Services encompass the entire gamut of gaming eco-system across platforms including desktop, console, mobile devices, tablets, and cloud gaming.

  • Database Testing: the data validity, integrity, database performance, procedures, triggers, and functions are all exercised and tested. Correct data updates, such as inserts and deletes, are ensured. Incoming and outgoing data is verified using decision coverage, condition coverage, and statement coverage techniques. Whether automated or manual, the goal of database testing is to validate the integrity of the storage and transfer of your company's most important resource.

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