APM Services

Performance Monitoring Services

Website Performance Monitoring | Intranet Monitoring | Mobile Monitoring

With the companies becoming highly dependent on IT, performance of your application is becoming one of the key factors in the success of the organization

With our Performance monitoring solutions we at AOWS, we ensure that the performance of your applications meets its threshold. Providing an End User Perspective AOWS will provide you with feedback of a real user experience. We will help you ensure that your web based application are up and running 24 x 7 x 365.

AOWS offers the following services under Monitoring Services

Website Performance Monitoring :

With the world becoming a local market, website makes strong impact on the image of the organization. Websites and web based applications which are accessed by the end customers are clearly becoming an asset of organizations. While for some organization web-site generates a significant part of revenue for others their entire business model may be web dependent.

In today's fierce competitive market its is critical that your website is available to your end customer all the time. For companies whose sale depends entirely on its websites, any downtime is a direct loss of revenue.

AOWS provides website monitoring services which can help to ensure that
  • Your website is available to your customers
  • Your website available at different bandwidths, from different ISPs, from all your customer locations
  • You manage your Service Level Agreements

Intranet Monitoring

For global organization with employees spread over the world it is important that not only their corporate network is spread across the globe, but also that data is available wherever and whenever required. Critical application like CRM, ERP and CBS are used over intranet ensuring the availability. A downtime in any of these applications can result into huge loss of organization.

Our clients have faced challenges like:
  • Are all employees across the sites, cities and globe able to access the information?
  • What is the performance of intranet networks?

AOWS provides its customers detailed breakdown of delays across all the sites and detailed analysis on root cause so that they can quickly fix any issues. We also provide expert analysis for troubleshooting and fine-tuning of application/pages which give error or slow response time. This gives the customer an Opportunity for Improvement to have faster working applications.

Mobile Monitoring

  • Is your SMS marketing campaign accessible from all cities, circles and mobile (cellular) operators?
  • Is your website available on mobile (cell) phone from all cities, circles and mobile (cellular) operators?
  • Is your mobile website performing well on different networks like GPRS, 3G etc. on different types of mobile phones (Nokia, Samsung, iPhone etc.) and mobile operating systems (Symbian, Java, Linux, WinCE )

We Ensure

  • Your Websites or online applications are available to the End User.
  • Your websites or online applications are available on different bandwidths, different ISPs and different locations.
  • Continuously monitor your websites at regular time intervals.
  • Notification you via Email, SMS, and Phone call so that you can take corrective actions quickly.

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